Whether you are thinking of planning a specific event, such as a big birthday celebration, a romantic honeymoon, or a vowel renewal or you are simply crazy to explore the Big Island of Hawai’i the main hesitation is always how long one should spend on the Big Island to see it all!

In this post, we will explain the optimal amount of days that a traveller should stay on the Big Island in Hawai’i.
In this post, we will explain the optimal amount of days that a traveller should stay on the Big Island in Hawai’i.

This is perfectly understandable as the Big Island represents the idyllic picture of paradise that we all have in mind. Unfortunately, we are all in a time limit and surely a money cap for this sort of travel (unless you are a millionaire, in that case, congratulations, you can stay on the island for as long as you want), for which it is important to get a good idea of the optimal amount of days to get a good grasp of what The Big Island of Hawai’i is all about.

The Big Island, also named The Island of Hawai’i, is the largest island within the Hawaiian group of islands.

This island is one of the most popular ones to be visited when planning a trip to Hawai’i and rightly done, as this true paradisiac island is full of unique and fascinating spots, making this island, one of the most powerful landscapes on earth.

Sandy beaches are protected by endless rows of palm trees, and rainforests full of waxy orchid flowers in contrast to making it all more exquisite, The Big Island is home to the biggest of all the volcanoes, the Mauna Kea covered with some snow at the top.

Mauna kea Volcano is just mind-blowing.
Mauna kea Volcano is just mind-blowing.

The Big Island contains more than 80 active volcanoes that give the island the lava-covered look, as it is indeed cold magma that has shaped this land. Not only, the hinterland is striking in its landscape, but also the island is home to the most incredible waterfalls and sharp cliffs.

If you are wondering when the ideal time to visit The Big Island is, the simple answer is always! It is a tropical island with warm weather all year round and really only has two seasons summer, from May to October and winter, from November to April, whereas most of the other countries have four well-defined seasons a year.

The Big island fantastic place on Earth.
The Big island fantastic place on Earth.

Although, there is no bad time to visit The Big Island, our preferred time to visit the island is between May and October. This is because it is the shoulder season when there are fewer visitors, it is cheaper, and a bit cooler and if you are into ocean activities, like snorkelling and free diving, during these months, the ocean conditions are excellent.

Having said that, if surfing or whale watching is what you are after, the Kohala Coast side of the island might experience really choppy conditions and the whales won’t be around until mid-December. This is because there is a higher frequency of rainfall during these months but that's the reason why the island flourishes with its green lush foliage and beauty.

Due to the many possible activities and things to do on The Big island, oftentimes we see people getting overwhelmed with what to pack for this trip and ultimately travelling with a huge suitcase. Our advice is to not do that! These are the only travel essential items required to travel to the Big Island for 7 days.

Fish tacos on the Big Island are a big deal!
Fish tacos on the Big Island are a big deal!
  1. Comfortable shoes. We can’t emphasise this enough. Trying to walk or hike in flip-flops or fancy shoes is a big mistake that we see all the time by people focusing on their outfits for pictures and forgetting about the raw landscape of Hawai’i. This might sound silly but wearing the wrong footwear can ruin your trip on the island if you get your feet injured. Only pack flip-flops for the casual and beach areas and walking shoes for the action on the island.
  2. Swimmers. Not more than two or three. It is a warm, tropical island, they dry within one morning.
  3. Light clothes. Again, it is a tropical island, where you will be sweating only by getting up from your bed. Shorts and T-shirts are the way to go. Maybe one more dressed-up, island-style outfit for those fancy nights that might come up! Local Hawaiians wear these casual clothes when in town as the island is an overall tropical and relaxed and easy-going vibe.
  4. Water Bottle. As mentioned above, the island is humid and warm. Don’t be fooled by the breeze, it is warm and getting dehydrated and over-sun exposure is so easy.
  5. Sunscreen/Sunblock. The UV is strong and we want to protect our skin unless you want to look like a lobster by the end of your first day!
  6. Mosquito repellent. This is beyond essential, particularly when hiking or on the beach, on night walks. Mosquitoes can be a real struggle.
  7. Backpack. A nice, resistant and waterproof backpack is of those essential items when travelling within the island to make sure non of the other items bother you and to be comfortable when walking or hiking.
  8. A warm piece of clothing, like a hoodie or a light jacket. Some nights can be a bit chilly and give you a break from those endless warm days. You will appreciate a bit of warmth around your body.
  9. Hawaiian shirt! Last but not least, make sure you mingle with the local culture and show your aloha vibes by wearing what the local Hawaiian residents wear even in the offices or shops!

When it comes to deciding how long to stay on The big island of Hawai’i, our recommendation is seven days. If you wish to explore all the major attractions and mind-blowing places, then seven days and six nights are optimal.

The Big Island accounts for some of the world's most incredible landmarks such as Volcanoes National Park, Kilauea Volcano, Mauna Loa Volcano and Puu Oo Vent, Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area, Rainbow Falls State Par and Waipio Valley Lookout, among others, for which less than 7 days is simply not enough time.

How many days do you need on the Big Island?

7 days and six nights are how long one should stay on The Big Island when planning a trip to Hawai’i. This is because less than a week’s time is not enough to fully enjoy and discover the island without being pressured and rushed. Although there are a few places on the island that can be visited on a single day, most of the areas around the national parks and volcanoes require more time as they are located more remote from the popular beach areas.

Snorkelling is incredibly good on the Big Island.
Snorkelling is incredibly good on the Big Island.
Snorkelling is incredibly good on the Big Island, with tons of turtles, dolphins and sharks.
Snorkelling is incredibly good on the Big Island, with tons of turtles, dolphins and sharks.

For example, Kona and Hilo are two of the most important towns on The Big Island, worth visiting, are located on opposite sides of the island, and need more than a day or two to get there and explore them.

One of the highlights of travelling to this island is that is actually one of the least crowded ones, especially if you travel during the should seasons we have mentioned above. In fact, so much so, there are still some parts of the island relatively untouched by tourists, what they are called, “off the beaten path”, as well as spending a couple of nights in the town of Kona to get your breath taken away by the spectacular views to the Mauna Kea volcano during the warm months.

As can be seen, The Big Island has so much to provide to travellers that it would be hard to stay for less than a week. Ideally, one would stay on this island for 6 months straight to fully grasp the culture and the island's essence!

7 days-long vacation on The Big Island is an excellent and ideal option for many people, as it would allow you to explore the 4 major towns and their main touristic attractions and fully explore all the volcanoes, National parks, beaches and leaving space for relaxing times in the island of happiness.

How much time do I need to spend on each part of The Big Island? Hawai’i Itinerary in 7 days.

For your trip to The Big Island, see below how and how much we recommend spending on each side of the island and our favourite itinerary for a marvellous week on this island.

1 day: Hilo town and Waipi'o Valley.

Hilo is a lovely and charming town full of interesting history, cosy cafes and amazing nature. The town is quiet and casual but full of life. The outstanding outdoors are only a couple of minutes away from driving.

There are tons of trails to enjoy the views and nature that Hilo offers, the region is rich in waterfalls of immense beauty, and if the time is right they might be quite powerful in their flow making it an incredibly picturesque place. A perfect example is a massive waterfall “Akaka falls” located in the ‘Akaka falls State park.

Hilo town is a charming little town to enjoy the local Hawaiian vibe.
Hilo town is a charming little town to enjoy the local Hawaiian vibe.

Definitely worth checking out. If you have time on this day and if you are a hiker, go ahead and try the hike to Waipi'o Valley. It is very close to Hilo, and the place, although steep, brings spectacular views to the northern end of the Hamakua Heritage Corridor.

Absolutely stunning. Be mindful of your hiking abilities, as the walk is steep and tiring, although going down is super pleasant and the views are quite a reward.

2 days: Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park.

Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park is located on the southeast side of The Big Island of Hawai’i and it is home to the most unique landscape on Earth. It encompasses the peaks of two of the planet’s biggest and most active volcanoes Kīlauea and Mauna Loa, which were declared international Biosphere Reserve and UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.

Kilauea Volcano is a unique attraction on the Big Island.
Kilauea Volcano is a unique attraction on the Big Island.

The Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park is a popular area for travellers, only 45 minute drive from Hilo and a 2-hour drive from Kona where the main airports on the island are at.

In terms of time, allowing two full days is ideal to fit in exploring the key landmarks of the place. You have two different options when exploring the National park, depending on your preferences and fitness levels, either driving to the summit or hiking to see the lava rivers.

The best tips to help you out visiting this park are:

  1. The Kilauea Visitor’s Center is open from 9 am-5 pm every day and it is a great resource to get all the needed information to explore the park.
  2. 30 USD fee per car to enter the park. If you are to travel to Hawai’i more than once a year, then, there is an option of getting a National Park Pass to be able to visit more parks for less money.
  3. Be an early riser when intending to visit the park, otherwise, it will be crowded. Having said the late evening gives you an incredible view of the lava.
  4. There aren’t many dining options around the area, as it is a bit remote, so it is recommended to pack your own food from town and tons of water.

1 day: Kailua-Kona

Kailua Village, Kailua-Kona as it is called, is a small town belonging to the district of Kona on the western side of The Big Island. This is also the part of the island where most hotels, cafes, restaurants, shops and tourists are located.

This place is famous for the many things you can do when spending your holidays there, like snorkelling with dolphins or sharks at King Kam beach or taking a Kona coffee tour as the coffee in this place is known worldwide.

Kailua Kona is impressive.
Kailua Kona is impressive.

If diving is your strong suit, do not miss a night dive to spot Manta rays! It is absolutely crazy! If chill is what you are after go ahead and visit the local seahorse farm where you can learn about their culture, pat their animals, eat amazing local food and taste the famous coffee.

2 days: Puʻukoholā Heiau at Kohala Coast.

Very close to Kailua Village lays a black and red lava rock field leading to the greenest paths, golf courses and finest resorts on the island.

Visit the unique places of Hāpuna Beach State Park and Puʻukoholā Heiau, hallmarks of the cultural heritage of the island.

Kohala Coast incredible panoramic view.
Kohala Coast incredible panoramic view.

1 day: Waimea Canyon State Park.

Waimea Canyon State Park is located at the base of Mauna Kea volcano and it is mainly known for the cowboy and horseback riding culture. They show visitors what their traditions are about, rodeos, horseback riding, ranching skills and overall an incredible rural vibe!

Waimea Canyon State Park is unlike any other place you have ever seen and its people are just genuine. When you spend in this area you will thrive around tasting delicious food, local culture and products and experiencing the true countryside island atmosphere.

Lastly, head up to the Mauna Kea Volcano to visit the Onizuka Visitor Center, where you will find the International Lunar Observatory Association located there. Head to the summit if you feel so inclined!

Waimea Canyon State Park is a striking place on the Big Island worth exploring.
Waimea Canyon State Park is a striking place on the Big Island worth exploring.

Final thoughts.

There you go! now you know the best way to spend 7 days on The Big Island of Hawaii. 7 days is how long and how minimum one should travel to this gorgeous island to get a good glance of it. There are way too many impressive places to see and activities to experience to stay for less than a week.

This is definitely how we recommend breaking your 7 days on the island as it covers the emblematic and most interesting attractions and it allows you some time to relax and indulge too.